everything you wondered about, told in bits
Do you wonder if there is a common set of ideas behind things like meditation, yoga, energy healing, UFOs, psychic readings, and life after death? This book will explain that there is indeed such a thing as “New Age thought.”
See if your beliefs match up with the common set—there is a list in this book.
Recall the bewildering explosion of New Age best sellers in the last century and see them in context.
Find the most popular “start-here” books on topics that you like.
Discover that science has discovered and validated the paranormal! It’s normal now!
See if your beliefs match up with the common set—there is a list in this book.
Recall the bewildering explosion of New Age best sellers in the last century and see them in context.
Find the most popular “start-here” books on topics that you like.
Discover that science has discovered and validated the paranormal! It’s normal now!